Aesthetics Of Exclusion

Beach Umbrella selected for Simultan Festival

Beach Umbrellavhas been selected for the Simultan Festival XIV: There Will Be A Time When It Will Not Be'.

8 — 10 November 2019 / Timişoara
Muzeul Corneliu Mikloşi / Bd. Take Ionescu 56

In 2019, SIMULTAN festival carries the theme 'There Will Be a Time When it Will Not Be', which aims to question technology's influence on the different aspects of individual and social life, to explore speculative situations, and to disturb the standardized image of the future as a cult of infinite progress and development. The festival delves into the realms of personal, political, social, philosophical and existential aspects of our day and age, by pointing out the various ways in which the artists respond to and how they record those changes, as well as how they imagine the future.

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